Thursday, September 01, 2005

Please help how ever you can!

National donationsWhile a variety of government and private agencies are en route to assist victims of Hurricane Katrina, federal officials said people wanting to help should not head to the affected area unless directed by an agency. Instead, Michael Brown, head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, urged people to make cash contributions to organizations.
Adventist Community Services: 800-381-7171
American Red Cross: 800-HELP NOW (435-7669) English, 800-257-7575 Spanish
America's Second Harvest: 800-344-8070
Catholic Charities, USA: 703-549-1390
Christian Disaster Response: 941-956-5183 or 941-551-9554
Christian Reformed World Relief Committee: 800-848-5818
Church World Service: 800-297-1516
Convoy of Hope: 417-823-8998
Lutheran Disaster Response: 800-638-3522
Mennonite Disaster Service: 717-859-2210
Nazarene Disaster Response: 888-256-5886
Operation Blessing: 800-436-6348
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance: 800-872-3283
Salvation Army: 1-800-SAL-ARMY (1-800-725-2769)
Southern Baptist Convention -- Disaster Relief: 800-462-8657, ext. 6440
United Jewish Communities: 800-554-8583
United Methodist Committee on Relief: 800-554-8583


Fong said...

It easily could've have been Houston. I was here for tropical storm allision which flooded the whole city. Just doing what I would want someone doing for me.

Fong said...

it is easier for them to buy in bulk at a discounted price than it is to ship donations to the area. they are people volunteering here driving supplies over to shelters. a lot of people want to help. I have to drive by the dome tonight. we'll see how chaotic it is.

A Heartfelt Thanksgiving Reflection

Another Thanksgiving has come and gone, and though I had intended to share this post a few days ago, life got in the way, and here I am jus...