Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The choking game

Good lord have you heard the stupid shit kids are playing now a days. It's called the choking game. Apparently these dumbasses choke themselves until they pass out and get a lack of oxygen high. Now I remember these stories about jacking off and choking yourself but doing it for the hell it? You know that's it I buying my kids pot. All that does is make you lazy and hungry. And we all know that's not far from being normal kids anyway. You know maybe its natural selection, maybe mother nature is knocking these kids off. Here's a few games to teach your kids. "she me yours and I'll show you mine" "doctor" " let's go poke the dead body behind the railroad tracks" and "lets probe the dead cats anus". I think all of these are much more fun than choking yourself. What a bunch of dumbasses!!


Fong said...

Sorry didn't mean to make you paranoid.

Fong said...

that shit is just bizzare

Fong said...

hunny it takes a lot to offend my ass

A Heartfelt Thanksgiving Reflection

Another Thanksgiving has come and gone, and though I had intended to share this post a few days ago, life got in the way, and here I am jus...