Thursday, September 08, 2005


First of all if we are doing HNT then we should have Full Frontal Fridayz! I will start it off with my own portrait. I know I need a man-bra.
Now on to the gas prices that are sqeezing us like a bitch. I know I am feeling it simply on the fact that I have to drive 40 miles to and from work everyday. But I think this should be a signal for the american people to wake up and shout to the politicians to make a better mode of public transportation. Now cities like New York and Chicago, Boston and even San Francisco have great bus and rail lines. The rest of America needs to wake up!. I would gladly ride a train into work everyday. $1.00 to and fro is better than $50 worth of gas each week, and that's not counting my wife's car. I would car pool but no one here lives out by side of town. I think Americans need to put there personal pride aside and hop on the bus or train. Let someone else drive and hey maybe do a little walking. We would become healthier and save tons on cash.

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