Friday, September 02, 2005

Cnn, Fox, Msnbc, and others

I am sick of the negativity on the news. Ok we get it! now go help someone. Since you guys seem to have all the answers why don't you fix it. We here in Houston will continue to help these poor people!!


APE said...

I have a strong feeling that it's going to be the everyday people that will help these victims out the most. verse out Govrn't.

Fong said...

you should see how everyone here is going to wal mart and stores to buy food and clothing. my wife and I cleaned out our closets to help out a family of 20 who lost everything.

Fong said...
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APE said...

Some for sometime I've been holding on to some baby clothes and baby items such as a crib and car seat and stoller hoping to sell them later on down the line. However today I'm going down to Wlamart and donating all of this stuff to redcross. The fire department here said if red cross doesn't take the itmes they will and they'll make sure it gets down there. It amazing what the people of the US are doing to help. Were such bad people after all. Despite what other countries thinks.

A Heartfelt Thanksgiving Reflection

Another Thanksgiving has come and gone, and though I had intended to share this post a few days ago, life got in the way, and here I am jus...