Saturday, August 09, 2008


Ok so about 2 weeks ago my wife had to take me to the emergency room, I was in agony. I had severe abdominal pain and could barely walk. Well after being there the whole night they finally sent me home with some drugs and a diagnosis of Diverticulitis. After a follow up with my Doctor it looks like I am going to have surgery.

While laying on the couch in pain I realized that there are things I now have to accept.

1. I am no longer 19 and I cannot do certain things anymore
2. Pain means there is something wrong!
3. I have to let things go and concentrate on getting well
4. Not everyone is a dumb ass
5. Do what the Doctors say
6. Cut myself and the people around me some slack
7. People are people, let them be.

Now I know this list will grow but the pain meds have kicked in and I can't think of any. Hopefully when I have this surgery I will be able to have my life back.

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