Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Ok update

Well I started this weight loss thang and i was doing really well until we had a death in the family. As always I let that interfere with my diet and workouts. I am the kinda guy that likes to have a schedule and when the schedule is interupted I give up. Now I have not given up totally yet but another event really screwed me up. After the funeral and all the family had gottn on thier planes ans returned home my wife any stopped by wendys on the way home. I got a cheesburger, now this was my cheat burger for the week, and we went home. That night I woke up at 3 and had a let's say an episode. Well went back to bed and woke up at 5 to go work out. After being up for about ten minutes it started. Evacuations of both ends! It lasted all damn day!

ARGG when will I get a break?

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