Friday, June 24, 2005


How many of us remember the Easter Bunny looking like this. Or Santa, or any of the other so called childhood fairytale figures that were supposed to reward you with gifts for your good behavior. All you had to do for money from the toothfairy is loose your teeth. Why doesn't she come back when your old and loose your teeth. Are your baby teeth somehow more valuable than your adult teeth?

Why aren't there creatures that reward you for being a good adult. Hey if you paid your bills on time this month, the hooters girls come over. For the ladies the men of labare would come and clean the living room and cook for a week. It doesn't have to sexual in nature either. Maybe the gutter fairy can come over and clean you gutters out while you sit inside with the AC on full blast.

Let me know what you think.

1 comment:

Jeromy Adams said...

You know what that kid is thinking?

Forget Candy, i want my MOMMY

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